Oki Hyobu - What is Courage?

We must discipline ourselves rigorously in intention and courage. This will be accomplished if only courage is fixed in one’s heart.
— Oki Hyobu
Resolve to give your very best until the last breath of your life.
— Samurai Wisdom

If one's #sword is broken, he will strike with his hands.

If his hands are cut off, he will press the enemy down with his shoulders.

If his shoulders are cut away, he will #bite through 10 or 15 enemy necks with his teeth.

Courage is such a thing."

#Resolve to #GiveYourVeryBest until the last breath of your life.  Never allow yourself to be stopped by any #setback.  If something is important, find a way to #KeepMovingForward.  Strive to be #unmatched in the #WayoftheSamurai #Bushido

#Samurai were expected and encouraged to smile at death, even to charge ahead irrationally and die without achieving one's aim.  The act of #incrediblecourage despite great odds would bring much #honor to the name, clan, and house of a Samurai, and could even positively benefit future generations and living relatives.

While this is an extreme example, one can apply the same mindset to everyday life.  Too often people give up without much effort.  

#Discipline yourself in #intention and #courage.