Yamamoto Kansuke - The Infection of Arrogance

‘A little bit of military training can be the cause of great injury.’
— Yamamoto Kansuke
Remain relentlessly focused on the truth of battle, and the truth of life. Lying to oneself, remaining willfully ignorant, is a disease of the mind that might infect others.
— Samurai Wisdom

What is the result of arrogance?

#BruceLee said, “before I learned martial art, a punch was just a punch, and a kick, just a kick. After I learned the art, a punch was no longer a punch, a kick, no longer a kick. Now that I understand the art, a punch is just a punch and a kick is just a kick.”

Things may seem simple at first.  Once you gain some #knowledge, you realize that things are actually quite #complex.  However, once you gain #wisdom and great #competence, you find that things become quite #simple again.  

#Overconfidence is a dangerous thing.  Being out-of-touch with reality, thinking you are far better than you actually are, and then plunging yourself into a high-stakes situation is #reckless.  

Particularly with “#militarytraining” which can equate to learning “#selfdefense” in the modern age.  Many children go to #bullshido #martialarts schools and, thanks to their parents paying good $$$, end up getting #blackbelts at 14 years old, without any full contact sparring or fighting experience.  This is foolish - if the child gets into a true life-or-death scenario (a real fight), the child will be overconfident and #arrogant, and may end up seriously injured if lucky, and if not, possibly dead.  

#Samurai believed in remaining relentlessly focused on the #truth of #battle, and the truth of life.  #Lying to oneself, remaining willfully #ignorant, was looked down upon as a disease of the #mind that might affect others who you might need to rely on one day.

#Soliders and #policeofficers must train diligently, exhaustively, and daily until the day they hang up their weapons and move on to the next phase of their lives.  People that rely on a certain craft, such as #business, trades, etc. for their livelihood, should #striveforexcellence and aim to become #betterthanyesterday, every day.  This is the wisdom of the #Samurai.