Yoshida Shoin - Gain the Strength of 10,000 Men!

Yoshida Shoin - Strength of 10000 Men.png
Once the will is resolved, one’s spirit is strengthened. Even a peasant’s will is hard to deny, but a samurai of resolute will can sway ten thou­sand men.
— Yoshida Shoin
Decide seriously on the course of your life. Resolve to walk your path.
— Samurai Wisdom

The “Power of Why” before popularized by Simon Sinek.  #SamuraiPowerofWhy

Samurai understood the incredible power of wholeheartedly committing to a certain direction in life, and unceasingly moving towards it, yet remaining flexible in plans for reaching that destination.

Your #power and #influence increase 100 fold when you are #resolute in your own #will.  #Unwavering, #determined, fully #dedicated to waking every morning and making #progress. 

The secret place in the middle of #motivation and #discipline, where you take #action without needing any internal #effort to get moving.  “It happens all by itself.”

Start by deciding upon a #goal. Before taking action on it, work on the power of your #resolve toward this goal. #Reflect upon it. Consider all the advantages that will come your way should it be completed.  Imagine how #impactful the #attainment of this goal will be. Decide what kind of person you will need to become in order to #achieve this goal. 

Don't approach this lightly. Work on your #resolution with deep #intention.  You must have the #determination of a starved lion desperate for food, the pride depending upon you for its very survival.

This practice is best applied for the attainment of that which you believe is of #benefit to #humankind, your #community, your #tribe, and your #family.  

A waste of time = setting a goal by thinking of something you want, writing it down, and leaving it someplace where you might look at it every few years.

Instead, decide seriously on the course of your life.  The path which you will forge with the greatest of your effort, blood, pain, sacrifice, and exhaustion.  The mark you will leave upon this earth.  

You will give years of your precious life towards SOMETHING.  Let it be on a path of your choosing rather than live a life thrust upon you by the wills and master plans of other men.