Takenaka Shigekata - Go For It! Conquering the Opponent with One Decisive Slash!

Takenaka - One Decisive Slash.png
One finds life through conquering the fear of death within one’s mind. Empty the mind of all forms of attachment, make a go-for-broke charge and conquer the opponent with one decisive slash!
— Takenaka Shigekata
If it’s important, do it. It’s that simple.
— Samurai Wisdom

Do you #procrastinate ?  Put off for later those things which you know you must #conquer ?

You're DEFINITELY not alone!

Many of our elderly report strong feelings of #regret in:

  • Not prioritizing family time

  • Declining big opportunities out of fear

  • Not attempting to go for their dreams

#LetGo of #attachment.  If something is truly #important, then rip out all stops and #GOFORIT 

Be #decisive and cut through all obstacles in your path.  

It may be hard, but "everything is hard at first." - #MiyamotoMusashi 


Takenaka was a #Samurai who lived in the late Edo period.  He was descended from the family of a great Strategist, Takenaka Hanbei Shigeharu.  

Born in 1828, he died at 63 years old in 1891, and was buried at Takanawa-Sengakuji Temple.


You don't truly live until your mind is #FreeFromFear and all forms of attachment.  

Focus on what is truly important and give your absolute 100%, without any thought of loss, failure, embarrassment - any form of #fear whatsoever.  

If we observe his actions in life, we see that he did not "charge into an irrational death" as would be encouraged by #YamamotoTsunetomo in the #Hagakure.  

Takenada clearly fought aiming to win, understood the importance of living to fight another day, and was #flexible in adjusting his #goals and #lifestyle to match the changing times.  


He entered the military ranks of the "Greater Guardsman," becoming an Army Magistrate, and participating in various #military campaigns. During the Meiji restoration period, he fought on the losing side of the Tokugawa Shogunate, fighting against the New Imperial Army of Japan.  

Fighting battle after #battle using guerilla warfare tactics, he was pushed north to #Hokkaido, where he settled with many other disparaged former Samurai.  He eventually became the Judge Advocate General officer in the new Ezo Republic.