Miyamoto Musashi - Disciplined Integrity of Self-Honesty: TRUTH

For those who would study my martial art, there are rules for putting it into practice. Rule number 1: do not think with dishonesty.
— Miyamoto Musashi
The very first rule Musashi lays down for implementing his martial art is: “think without dishonesty.” One must never allow ignorance to infect one’s own mind. Always tell oneself the truth.
— Samurai Wisdom

#MiyamotoMusashi is likely the most famous Japanese warrior of all time.  In his final days, he recorded much of his wisdom in what is now known as “The Book of Five Rings.”  #bookof5rings #bookoffiverings  #Gorinnosho A beautiful, detailed graphic novel version is available, based on the translation by William Scott Wilson and adapted by @seanmichaelwilson

#Musashi clearly states 9 rules for implementing his own understanding of Martial Art.  Given his radical desire for excellence, there is no doubt his decision to record his 9 rules in a specific order was intentional.

To master the way of strategy, and actually implement it, one must be wholeheartedly focused on truth.  This requires self-honesty.  Lying to oneself or misleading oneself is the quickest way to failure. Ignorance may lead to temporary bliss, but is a losing proposition in the long-game. 

#Optimism and #pessimism are not helpful here.  #Equanimous observation and attention to results are key.

A similar piece of #wisdom is found in the Gosen Wakashu, “when your own heart asks…”